miércoles, 7 de abril de 2010

Similing at "The Ghost of Past", embracing at the future's one

I once lived for awhile in the island where wind and rain are daily born, as if they were a bread or butter. Over there, I had a girlfriend. Nowadays, I nicknamed her "The Ghost of Past".

She was tender to me, really caring and made me feel very well. With her I was never alone or sad. It was her that made me stay in the country of perpetual clouds for almost two years. She was always ready for a pint, constantly prepared for a trip to Temple Bar by bike. She never let me down in the lab, when our cells would die. She lived with me, part of "The Aranleigh Crew". She worked with me at "The Dawson's Freaks", she even joined for a climb or a squash match at UCD. I loved her; I was on her hook of caresses and enjoyment. Once she almost made me lose sight and stay with her “forever and ever”.
But nice as she was, I had to let her go! She was not meant to be mine, and I was not expected to settle with her. I needed another girlfriend, one that now I call "The Ghost of the Future".

She is cuter and a bit naugthly, we all like that. Don't we? I am already dating her for awhile and things seem pretty good indeed. I have to admit it, she is not so tender with me and I have to face it. She will never be! Sometimes she doesn't count on me to make plans; it is never sure what movie we will watch, what food we will order, what place we will visit for holidays. In the other hand, life at her side is spiced up as it was never before, she always have plans for me, even when I do not know. She prepares me surprise parties when less expected. I know she also takes good care of me, in a truly different than my past Lady, but she is lovely as well.
From time to time, it happens for a minute that I would like to embrace my previous companion, but she is too far, too distant, too blurry. In fact, she doesn't exist anymore as I loved her, she already moved on to be another’s “Ghost of the Future”. Then I call Peiton, We chat for awhile and we reinforce ourselves in the good decisions we have done. My lady was her lady, and as me, He moved already onto the new lover that will guide him through the future.

3 comentarios:

  1. Si Pau primo, me he echado churrinilla tambien. Ahora estamos todos emparejados :D
    Te llamo mañana.
    Peiton, tu estuviste saliendo con Lisa???? :)

  2. It seems tha no one knows what I mean by those two ghosts...Even if I break part of the literary magic, I'll write it.
    "The Ghost of the Past"...was life in Dublin, quitet, fun and pleasant.
    "The Ghost of the Future"...was life elsewhere, less fun maybe, less money but spiced up by uncentainty. Is that clear...Next time ill work out better my metaphores (or whatever you call them)

  3. pues yo habia pensado que eran tus bicis casi hasta el final del relato, como les pones nombre y todo! muxutxus fantasmagoricos


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