One of the things that I like a lot about the evenings in Potosi is the smell of junk food in the streets.
There are not many options, but there are some:
Lomito or salchipapas, see pictures bellow.
There are not many options, but there are some:
Lomito or salchipapas, see pictures bellow.

The vendors, usually line one after another, their mobile huts painted all in blue. One big frying machine steams the water from the Potatoes, while a big pan-like structure fries the meat. The oils almost drops from the metallic walls.
The conversation goes like this:
-Good evening- I say politely.
-Hi my friend- Replies he/she.
-How much for a Lomito.
-4 Bolivianos (0.4 Euro)
-OK, I´ll have one then.- While my guts are already feeling the fat.
Until here, all is good, even my stomach reacts surprisingly well to the gourmet treat of the night. But as days, and therefore lomitos and salchipapas goes on and on, I feel adventurous and decided to change the spot for Lomito.
The conversation goes, again like this:
-Good evening- I say politely.
-Hi my friend- Replies he or she.
-How much for a Lomito.
-4 Bolivianos (0.4 Euro), but do you want egg?
Hmmm...I think twice, as that is not the usual conversation, but again and feeling adventurous I say:
-Ok, I´ll have it with egg then.- While my guts are, again and again, feeling the fat.
He puts an egg in the pan and then fill the bread with it and with plenty potatoes as usual.
At that point I feel estrange, my Lomito does not contain Lomito. It is an egg in a piece bread.
So I decide to further enquire the "Lomito Boy".
-Hey,"Lomito Boy". There is no Lomito in my Lomito. What is going on?
I must confess that, I thought it was a good deal: Egg and meat at the regular price of meat, but as in Bolivia one has to expect the unexpected...
The "Lomito Boy" says, quietly:
- You said egg, so egg I gave you.
After 2 seconds of wondering I decide ask for what I though it was mine, even for an extra couple Bolivianos.
- Can I have meat also in my (to that point) egg-lomitoless lomito? How much would that be?
"Lomito Boy", in that second starts a complex computing process that I cannot describe in English...But his eyes started to move in R.E.M.-like motion for several instants.
Finally he looks at me and with sight of relief like if he would have solve the equation and gaive me a dissapointing:
- No, no, no...That can not be.
I guess that it is as if you go to Andalusia and ask for Salmorejo with peanuts. Something like fish and chips in the UK, but dressed with oyster sauce, or even worst, going to Montevideo and ask for Papaschampi with...say vinegar. I´ll tell you when I get there.
The conversation goes like this:
-Good evening- I say politely.
-Hi my friend- Replies he/she.
-How much for a Lomito.
-4 Bolivianos (0.4 Euro)
-OK, I´ll have one then.- While my guts are already feeling the fat.
Until here, all is good, even my stomach reacts surprisingly well to the gourmet treat of the night. But as days, and therefore lomitos and salchipapas goes on and on, I feel adventurous and decided to change the spot for Lomito.
The conversation goes, again like this:
-Good evening- I say politely.
-Hi my friend- Replies he or she.
-How much for a Lomito.
-4 Bolivianos (0.4 Euro), but do you want egg?
Hmmm...I think twice, as that is not the usual conversation, but again and feeling adventurous I say:
-Ok, I´ll have it with egg then.- While my guts are, again and again, feeling the fat.
He puts an egg in the pan and then fill the bread with it and with plenty potatoes as usual.
At that point I feel estrange, my Lomito does not contain Lomito. It is an egg in a piece bread.
So I decide to further enquire the "Lomito Boy".
-Hey,"Lomito Boy". There is no Lomito in my Lomito. What is going on?
I must confess that, I thought it was a good deal: Egg and meat at the regular price of meat, but as in Bolivia one has to expect the unexpected...
The "Lomito Boy" says, quietly:
- You said egg, so egg I gave you.
After 2 seconds of wondering I decide ask for what I though it was mine, even for an extra couple Bolivianos.
- Can I have meat also in my (to that point) egg-lomitoless lomito? How much would that be?
"Lomito Boy", in that second starts a complex computing process that I cannot describe in English...But his eyes started to move in R.E.M.-like motion for several instants.
Finally he looks at me and with sight of relief like if he would have solve the equation and gaive me a dissapointing:
- No, no, no...That can not be.
I guess that it is as if you go to Andalusia and ask for Salmorejo with peanuts. Something like fish and chips in the UK, but dressed with oyster sauce, or even worst, going to Montevideo and ask for Papaschampi with...say vinegar. I´ll tell you when I get there.
entonces ya de pedir el lomito con pimientos ni hablamos, verdad?
ResponderEliminarHola, chicos.
ResponderEliminarEstoy a punto de irme a comer un lomito de jamón canario. Os acabo de hacer un pequeño homenaje en
¡Un abrazo!
No, no, no , que va si pides con pimientos seguramente al chavál le de un síncope cataléptico y se desmaye al momento.
ResponderEliminarjeje...que buena historia.
ResponderEliminartambien aqui el bocadillo de rabas con mahonesa tiene tela, aunque esta cojonudo.
oye le echan muchas especias a las comidas?
tiene pinta
Pues la verdad es que al lomito le añaden ketchup, mahonesa, mostaza y ají, que es como una sala que hacen con guindillas rojas y pica de la muerte.
ResponderEliminarYo por mi parte, pues solo ketchup, y a veces mahonesa (depende de lo aventurero que esté...salmonellosis)
En general ellos añaden mucho picante, pero lo puedes poner a tu gusto.
Papas champi! Qué emoción Ikerísimo que las recuerdes... las tengo que volver a hacer pronto. Si vas por Montevideo, además de papas champi en un boliche jaja, tenés que probar un Chivito canadiense. Los canadienses no tienen la más puta idea de qué es, de modo que nunca entendí el nombre, pero te aseguro no te decepcionarás... lleva churrasco de lomito, muzarela (mozzarella en uruguayo...), jamón, panceta, aceitunas, tomate, cebolla frita y huevo!! Todo en uno... mmmm... es-pec-ta-cu-lar!!!! ;)