viernes, 7 de enero de 2011

Fist weeks at work

Traducción aquí.
It has been already some weeks at my new work, after a quite difficult arrival, due to the "extra" politial inestability after the elections, here in Haïti.
While in Tanzania, I got this mail and subsequents calls in the phon from somebody in Barcelona. She said:-"Menditxu, we want you in here"- moments after I was "moonwalking" like a very tanned, and happy, Michael Jackson, in the living room of Mamade Kishwahili.

There I am , almost two months from that time. Doing what I shall explain:
Job Description: Public Hygiene Promotion Officer, that means, basically help people realize how to avoid getting sick for lack got it hygiene. It´s kind of like been a mother..."clean you hands young man!"- the promoter said... And there the kid went, to the hand washing post...avoiding cholera once again.

I manage, or should I say I am starting to manage a team of 15 people, more than I would ever think I would. It kind of sounded scary already  then I got a position as Basketball coach back in College, but this is "My ultimate Challenge".

I have to say that the job is very interesting and you get chance to meet very interesting people from all ranges of life...from very poor people that have had the roughest year of their lives, to very motivated and smart young people that wants to put a little sand gain in towards improving this place, to retired wise elders that are still keeping track to Peter Pan and decided to spend x-mas away.

I have to admit that I am far away from having "thumbs-up", a lot of people surrounding us are still in tents, some of them still in mysery and most still fail the hygiene subject, witch in times of cholera is a risky business. Though that is why we are still change little by little that reality; in my case the reality of people eating each others shit ( pardon my French), the reality of people getting sick for diseases that is Europe we don´t have in more than a century.

3 comentarios:

  1. mucho ánimo Iker, puede que no tengas el pulgar hacia arriba, pero poquito a poquito seguro que tus dedos acaban apuntando al cielo. Acaso no sigue soplando el viento?
    Un abrao fuerte fuerte

  2. Quien dijo que las cosas fueran faciles? pero sabemos que tu harás todo lo que esté en tu mano y tu sabes que desde aqui te mandamos toda nuestra fuerza y por supuesto nuestro cariño

  3. !Que la FUERZA te acompañe!........., mira siempre hacia adelante porque destras no hay nada.
    Abrazos fuertes


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