domingo, 13 de diciembre de 2009

Everyday a new surprise in "Hostal Carlos V"

Carlos V was a king, beter said, an emperor of Spain, and many other places that I can't recall. The thing is that apparently he gave the title of "Imperial Village" to Potosi. If it was me, I'd not use his name in this city, as the spaniards did little good for it, apart from stealing and killing millions. Anyway, it is not my city.

The thing is that, somebody here made a hostel after him and we happend to temporarily (or not that temporarily) life here. If Bolivia is the country of the unexpected, Carlos V is the hostel of the unexpected.

One day, you meet somebody that is travelling around the globe for 30 years. Another morning "Freddy Mercury" has toasts with egg at your table side.The next day, a mimo disguised of Santa Claus in roller-blades wakes you up at 8:30 am with a bell in the corridor. After that, next Tuesday, you have breakfast with life Jazz music. Another time you try to sleep at 23:15 when the construction workers are hammering down a wall next to yours. Suddently, the moning after there is almost nothing for breakfast, so you eat a Saltena in place in front. Last thing... well a documentary about a famous folk band from Bolivia was filmed here. Man, this is Boliviawood! And we are wether we like it or not in the heart of it!

When we get sick of it all, Ratita and I, we go tto the roof and enjoy one of the nicest views in town.

Well, what can I say, the people here are great and the place is beautiful...but I want to move out, to a place that we actually could call HOME.

1 comentario:

  1. Jajaja Ahi vamos a vivir nosotras tambien???
    Besitos con Ruthadas


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